The Vigilante Grannies is a compelling suspense novel, surrounding a group of grandmothers who take the law into their own hands to combat the drug dealers in their community. Alliances are made, battles are fought, and the peaceful community of Southland Heights will never be the same.
Doodles the American Hero features Doodles, a teacup poodle, who after achieving success and fame as an American Poodle brings down a crime ring with the help of his four legged friends. Along with the book we have an array of fun Doodles keepsakes for the Doodles fan, including T-shirts, backpacks, bandanas, mugs and moreā¦
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”No Matter How Many Bridges@″ width=”450px” height=”120px” images=”” style=”dark bars100 btransbars” pos=”rel-L” dload=”n” autoplay=”y” captions=”Lyrics by Cynthia L.Clack and Music by Randall Shafer” list=”n”]